
    What is Mindfulness?

    Have you ever driven home from work and yet remember little of the journey? Or had a conversation with someone yet found your mind wandering over all the things that need doing that day. Mindfulness techniques quiet a busy mind. Furthermore, this skill gives you the ability to be present in the moment and accepting of whatever that moment holds. Possible benefits of consistent Mindfulness practice are numerous; including, improved communication, improved mood, better energy levels, improved effectiveness, mental clarity and memory.

    Keen to learn Mindfulness? Contact us to find out more or click below to enrol in the PMW Mindfulness Online Course.

    How can Mindfulness help me?

    Mindfulness improves wellbeing…

    • Mindfulness increases enjoyment of life (a bit like really savouring a piece of chocolate- try it!)
    • Being mindful gives you a greater capacity to deal with adverse/negative life events.
    • By learning mindfulness techniques people report they are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past.
    • Less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, and are
    • Mindfulness helps us to form deep connections with others.

    Mindfulness improves physical health…

    If greater wellbeing isn’t enough of an incentive!! Scientists have also discovered that mindfulness techniques help to improve physical health in a number of ways. Mindfulness can:

    • Help to relieve stress
    • Improve sleep
    • Improve memory
    • Reduce heart disease
    • Alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties
    • Lower blood pressure
    • Reduce chronic pain.

    Mindfulness improves mental health…

    And last but not least in recent years Mindfulness has gained a lot of attention because of the positive impact on mental wellbeing. Specifically, mindfulness meditation has an important role to play in the treatment of a number of problems, including:

    • Depression
    • Anxiety disorders
    • Substance abuse
    • Eating disorders
    • Relationship difficulties
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Why should I practice mindfulness?

    In case you aren’t already convinced that Mindfulness really works then check out the mindfulness in the workplace programs at Google, Apple, Price Waterhouse Cooper and IBM. For the research, head over to this link for lots more information on the benefits of Mindfulness at Work.

    This meditation technique involves systematic development in awareness, attention, compassion and wisdom. There are many techniques available to help you to develop this skill. If one technique is difficult for you there are many others to try. Everyone is capable of mindfulness and can be supported to develop their own practice.

    Positive Mind Works offer a variety of Mindfulness training packages for employers, public groups and individuals. These packages can be anything from one-off information and skills-building session to an eight-week program that involves weekly sessions combined with home practice. PMW psychologists are accredited Mindfulness teachers. Please get in touch to find out more about how you can learn this life-changing skill and start to the benefits in your life too.

    Mindfulness in the Workplace

    PMW’s online mindfulness course is perfect for organisations to add to their Wellness or EAP programs. This 8-week online course can be accessed anywhere and an unlimited number of attendees can join the group under one subscription. Courses such as this one have been demonstrated to reduce absenteeism, improve communication, enhance work morale, enhance productivity, improve sleep, reduce depression, anxiety and substance issues. The course is facilitated and moderated by a registered psychologist so you can rest assured that your team are getting professional advice and the right level of support to make the most out of Mindfulness.

    Employers and organisations can access the PMW Mindfulness Course for $167 per month, minimum signup of 6 months.

    • Allowing an unlimited number of employees access to the 8 Week Course
    • Weekly live QA sessions
    • Private messenger group for past and present students
    • Certificate of completion.

    Nurture your team and discover the benefits of mindfulness in the workplace.

    Common myths about mindfulness

    Mindfulness is not relaxation
    You do not need to sit for long periods or sit cross-legged!
    You do not need to be Buddhist
    Mindfulness does not require extensive periods of meditation or strange chanting.