What Services Are Available?
Brief Solution-Focussed Interventions
As the name suggests, it is brief in nature and focused on what the solution looks like in order to move a person closer ... -
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Here we will explain what is cognitive behavioural therapy? How does it work? And what are the alternatives? CBT involves understanding the relationship between thoughts, ... -
Compassion Focused CBT
Compassion Focused CBT Incorporates a compassion element alongside traditional Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Compassion focused therapy was primarily designed as way of treating self loathing and shame. It ... -
Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy Experiencing problems in your relationship is inevitable. Any relationship will go through its ups and downs, its how you deal with it that will make a difference. Many ... -
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Positive Mind Works offers a tailored service for organisations to offer their employees. This can include individual sessions, access to webinars, resources ... -
GP Referrals
GP referrals Refer a patient for online counselling We welcome referrals from general practitioners, within our team we have both telehealth psychologists and psychiatrists. You can send a patient referral ... -
Mindfulness Post
Mindfulness What is Mindfulness? Have you ever driven home from work and yet remember little of the journey? Or had a conversation with someone yet found your mind wandering over ... -
Narrative Therapy
Narrative Therapy Separates a person from their problems and connects them with their values and skills in order to overcome challenges.Narrative therapy has been developed as an empowering ... -
Positive Psychology
What is Positive Psychology? Also known as the “Science of Happiness”, it is a range of well documented techniques and applications that facilitate our pursuit of happiness, wellbeing ... -
Social Skills & Assertiveness Training
Social Skills & Assertiveness Training Social Skills & Assertiveness Training Addresses a very common fear of negative evaluation by others. Helps people to navigate personal and professional relationships toward better ... -
Technotherapy is a relatively new technologies such as mobile phones have drastically altered our work life, social life and personal life. Much has been said about the negative impact this technology ...