• AU: 1800 327 477
  • NZ: 0800 327 477

Bulk Billing Psychiatrists

Due to recent changes with Medicare funding (Jan 2022) we are unfortunately unable to continue to Bulk Bill. Instead, we are focusing our efforts on providing excellent assessment and ongoing management, avoiding long waiting lists and ensuring we keep helpful and timely communication going back to our GP Referrers.

Psychiatry Appointments

Currently, all Medicare-eligible Australians are able to access rebates for psychiatry appointments – meaning that there is a small gap fee for your initial assessment and ongoing psychiatry care.

To see one of our Medicare psychiatrists and receive access to this funding, we first need a referral to our practice from your GP. Once this is received, a member of our reception team will give you a call to book the next available appointment for you and take some additional details such as your Medicare card number.

Bulk Billing Psychiatrists

Bulk Billing Psychiatrists

Due to recent changes with Medicare funding (Jan 2022) we are unfortunately unable to continue to Bulk Bill. Instead, we are focusing our efforts on providing excellent assessment and ongoing management, avoiding long waiting lists and ensuring we keep helpful and timely communication going back to our GP Referrers.

Psychiatry Appointments

Currently, all Medicare-eligible Australians are able to access rebates for psychiatry appointments – meaning that there is a small gap fee for your initial assessment and ongoing psychiatry care.

To see one of our Medicare psychiatrists and receive access to this funding, we first need a referral to our practice from your GP. Once this is received, a member of our reception team will give you a call to book the next available appointment for you and take some additional details such as your Medicare card number.

Bulk Billing Psychiatrists

I Don’t Live in Rural Australia – Can I Still Access Funding

Yes! Australians who do not live in a rural area can still utilise Medicare funding for telehealth psychiatry as Medicare currently provides a rebate for all appointments.

For your initial assessment, there is an out of pocket expense of $216- $243.00 and for all follow-up appointments thereafter, $110-$220, depending on the length of the appointment. To access to this funding, we first need a referral to our practice from your GP.

Once this is received, a member of our reception team will give you a call to book the next available appointment for you and take some additional details such as your Medicare card number.

I live Rural/Remote Zone and I was previously Bulk Billed, why has this changed?

Unfortunately, Medicare significantly reduced the rates for remote and rural psychiatry in Jan 2022. This change has impacted all services across Australia. If you have concerns about funding please give us a call on 1800 327 477. Our friendly reception team will be able to discuss other options with you, perhaps NDIS funding or Workcover which remain fully funded.